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Advocacy for Adult Education

Advocacy is a learnable and transferrable skill that springboards ideas into realities. It comes easier for some folks than others - and is easier to apply in some areas than others. We can and must learn to advocate for what we care about. And as with all skills, we must share and teach what was given and taught to us.

National Adult Ed and Family Literacy Week is coming up soon - September 16 to 20, 2024. This National Week is always in the Fall.

Check your state Adult Ed organization to find out when your state Adult Ed week is. The California week for Adult Education is early Spring.

To help you in your advocacy for Adult Education - be it focused on the value and power of Adult Education, the need to increase Climate Literacy, Campus Sustainability, and Green Job Pathways in Adult Education, or anything else AE related, I'm sharing this document of tips.

I originally created this doc as part of my work with the CFT Adult Ed Committee (Go Adult Ed Teachers! Go CFT! Go Unions!). I've updated and adapted it for public sharing.

You can also learn more about advocacy for Adult Ed in the current COABE journal. And inside you'll find an article I co-wrote with Marina Kravtsova, Adult Ed Alumni, Powerhouse Advocate, and current San Mateo Adult and Career Education Student Success Facilitatator. The title of the article is "Finding Our Voices: Empowering Immigrant Students to Become Advocates for Themselves, Their Communities and Adult Education." If you ever have the chance to hear Marina present at a conference, take it!

Where and how do you advocate for Adult Education, Climate Literacy, Green Jobs Pathways, Emergency Preparedness, Community Resiliency, and Campus Sustainability?

Our voices make the difference!


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